The Necessity of Metal Restoration

The Necessity of Metal Restoration

Restoring Architectural Metal to its Former Glory

These days, more and more commercial properties are being designed and built with architectural metal elements. Functional and practical in design, metal building materials are known for their structural integrity and resilience. However, despite its hardy nature, metal is still susceptible to damage and staining due to rust and exposure to chemicals. Fortunately, quality metal restoration work can improve architectural metal and prevent irreparable damage from destroying valuable property assets.

At SAS Maintenance, we repair and maintain exterior and interior property elements such as architectural metal for businesses and other organizations. Where oxidization may tarnish older bronze building elements or vandalism may have caused cuts in metal surfaces, we can handle the necessary metal restoration. Our building restoration services are custom-tailored to address each customer’s unique property needs.

Restoring Architectural Metal
to its Former Glory

In order to deliver quality metal restoration results, SAS Maintenance performs a number of different services when handling restoration work for properties with metal elements. Some of our more popular services include the following:

  • Metal Repairs
    Metal Repairs remove scratches such as those caused by vandalism from surfaces.
  • Metal Refinishing
    Metal Refinishing removes rusts and stains from metal, restoring its former sheen and polish.
  • Metal Coatings
    Metal Coatings help prevent future superficial damage.
  • Ongoing Maintenance
    Ongoing Maintenance keeps metal looking new with our additional service plans.
  • Painting Services
    Painting Services ensure architectural metal visually matches the property.

SAS Maintenance is committed to delivering these metal restoration services and more to its clients in a timely, cost-efficient manner. Our projects and maintenance plans are developed with the idea that our customers should be getting the most value out of their properties, and that our services should enable them to do just that.

If your property is in need of building restoration and has substantial architectural metal
which needs attention, contact us today.